Customer Loyalty, These Benefits for Your Business

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Customer Loyalty, These Benefits for Your Business

Post by santo5 »

Customer loyalty or customer loyalty , is a term that shows the close relationship between your business and customers. An example of customer loyalty, is when a person is not comfortable using a product he is not familiar with or is not used to. Having such customers will help the continuity of your business. Therefore you have to build customer loyalty . To build customer loyalty , you have to understand it well. In the following article, we will discuss in detail about customer loyalty. Table of contents hide 1 know customer loyalty 2 benefits of customer loyalty in business maintaining business continuity improving financial performance prospects for greater profits .

Lower customer care costs efficiency become a defender 3 ways to build loyal consumers provide quality products and services know customers well and show concern follow up pay attention to complaints give appropriate Thailand Phone Number List recognition offer membership continue to evaluate 4 ways to measure loyal customers 4repurchase rate net promoter score (naps) customer lifetime value (clv) customer loyalty index (cli) know customer loyalty there are many experts who provide definitions of customer loyalty. One of them is Freddy rangkuti , in his book " measuring customer satisfaction ", explaining customer loyalty is consumer loyalty to companies, brands and products.

From this understanding, it appears that customer loyalty includes companies, brands and products. So it is not surprising, there are consumers who are very fanatical about a company. They will use all the products that the company produces. If a business or company already has such customers, it will be able to continue to survive. Not only being able to maintain business continuity, customer loyalty also has many other benefits in business. Customer loyalty benefits of customer loyalty in business customer loyalty is something that must exist and be maintained in business, because it brings many benefits. Here are some of the benefits: maintaining business continuity with loyal customers or regular customers, the business will continue to be able to survive.
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