Greeks called it the Kingdom of Mist and Smoke

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Greeks called it the Kingdom of Mist and Smoke

Post by JoYnSE33O44 »

Well I think it doesn't matter to the Finns because the Finns call their country no one knows where the name came from or why but the interesting thing is even Centuries after it was called Finland the name still existed and spread. So what does Somi mean? It turns out even the Finns themselves aren't sure. The two closest words are meaning marshland and meaning fish scales. There are stories that Finns used to wear clothes made of fish skin and I believe it was an art form.

Hey, maybe the Finns were the first mermaids. Many ancient, and it had variations Phone Number List such as the Land of Fiery Sunsets. They called these people but of course there was more to the Italian designation. Add in some kings, calves and gods with these volcanoes and you have another fascinating and true origin story. The first story tells of a mythical king named Italus who was named after a generation before the Trojan War. Named this country. In Roman legend Italus was the father of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. But Spain has rabbits, Malta has bees and Italy has plenty of beautiful calves.


The bull is a sacred symbol of the southern Italian tribes. Of course, this has something to do with the gods. See Hercules was sent to the end of the world to bring back the herds of the giant Geryon. Heracles stole cattle but had difficulty bringing them back to Greece because Poseidon's sons tried to steal them from him. A bull broke free and jumped into the sea and swam all the way to Sicily and then on to neighboring countries. %8This may seem a little confusing because every verb in Japanese ends like this.
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