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Nothing builds loyalty more than happiness

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:24 am
by luckyakter
Currently our clients, friends and even ourselves, when we are interested in a particular product or service, we no longer think of only receiving the exchange of what we pay, but we already seek 360 ° advice on what we are going to buy, that is why we inform ourselves so much and when we make the decision we want to feel confident that we really are doing the right thing. Many of us, advisers, sellers or consultants still do not have a PRS (Simple Relationship Plan) and it is because we think that our clients will continue to trust us because before we were doing well doing the same thing we have always done and we called the client when we wanted to make a request or confirm the purchase.

But in these seasons we must re-think everything we have been doing and start using a plan to maintain the client's relationship with us always with a Special Database good human-commercial connection. Nothing builds loyalty more than happiness Here I will give you some ideas of what we can do to keep this relationship with our prospects and clients high: Send him some informative whats app (about the market in general or some topic of economy or of particular interest), Call him at least every 15 days (to find out how he is preferably).


Send another Whats app with a graphic piece of a service or product that he/she may need. Make or think of a promotion never seen before. If you fulfill some of these ideas, you will realize that the prospect or client is reacting and taking you into account for certain occasions, the ideal would be that over time he sees you as a friend and can trust you with things of interest about the activity you do Let us remember that all of us in these times require encouragement or positive information to cope with the context, since soon everything will return to normal and the world will definitely change, but for the better.